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  • EP0 interrupt?

    Derrick - - emUSB related


    One further question: I have a sample app that seems to be working OK (i.e., interrupts are firing) without an OS. However, I am never seeing the EP0 interrupt - what would cause this? I seem to be getting the BusReset interrupt, followed by a Suspend interrupt. Derrick

  • Interrupts not firing?

    Derrick - - emUSB related


    Hello all; I am currently using emUSB (CDC device profile) along with embOS successfully in a project, targeting Atmel's AT91SAM7S256. Now, I wish to add a bootloader/firmware update application that will take a hex file from a PC via USB in order to update the firmware. I wish to again use emUSB (CDC), however without an OS this time. In the emUSB manual, on page 14 it states that emUSB can be used with or without an RTOS. However, on page 21, it states that a real-time kernel is required. Isn'…