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  • Quote from SEGGER - Niklas: “Hi, I am sorry, but I don't know it. I would guess it is possible with an IAR EWARM macro file. Please note that IAR EWARM is not a SEGGER product, therefore I can only give you the advice to take a look at the IAR manual or contact IAR. Best regards, Niklas” could you please tell me what is the "start application" command if I want to write macro .

  • Quote from SEGGER - Niklas: “Hi, in J-Flash, you can check the "Start application" check-box in the Production tab of the project settings. Performing "Auto" (F7) will than also start the microcontroller. Best regards, Niklas” Hello Nilas Thanks for your support actually i'm looking for solution in IAR . as I'm writing in IAR it's much easier to program in IAR.

  • Hello I'm using jlink in IAR and my micro is stm32f030 . after i program my micro it won't start working until i reset my micro or using j-Flash->Target->start Application . is there any setting that i can do that it happen automatically after programming ? Best Regards

  • Quote from SEGGER - Adrian: “Hello, I am afraid I do not understand your question. Best regards, Adrian” Hello when ever we add data to the graph widget The X axis is incremented by "1" how we can change it for example ; after every add data The X axis incremented by "0.1" instead of "1". Best regard Morteza

  • Hello How can i have a factor for X-axis in Graph . What i'm trying to do is have graph with minute unit . but i need more sample . for example add data every 6 second and have a 0.1 factor for "X" axis . with This I have a real minute graph . Best regards.

  • How can i disable a window ?

    mori64 - - emWin related


    Quote from SEGGER - Adrian: “Hello mori, I believe I understand what you are trying to do. If you want one window to be the only one reacting to user input, I would recommend using modality. In order to make a window modal the function WM_MakeModal() can be used. Best regards, Adrian” Thanks a lot . It works just like i want .

  • How can i disable a window ?

    mori64 - - emWin related


    Quote from SEGGER - Adrian: “Hello mori, I believe the function WM_DisableWindow() should be a help for you. Best regards, Adrian” Hello Adrin according to the user manual this function accept "WM_Handle hObj" not "WM_HWIN hWin" so i cant disable a window . and I've tried it . Best Regards mori

  • How can i disable a window ?

    mori64 - - emWin related


    Hello in my project i have keyboard window what i need is when i create this window other window don't get focus and do not act at all . i can disable all the widgets individually but is there a command that disable window not widget ? Best Regards mori

  • Display Bmp file from Sd_card

    mori64 - - emWin related


    Thanks Adrian I have solve my problem . It was about a simple pointer . Best regards

  • Display Bmp file from Sd_card

    mori64 - - emWin related


    I have tried this code but i can't display FILE *f; f = fopen ("ed.bmp","r"); GUI_BMP_DrawEx( APP_GetData,&f, 0, 0); while(1){ GUI_Exec(); }; int APP_GetData(void * p, const U8 ** ppData, unsigned NumBytesReq, U32 Off) { unsigned int NumBytesRead; FILE * phFile; phFile = (FILE *)p; /* Check buffer size */ if (NumBytesReq > sizeof(_acBuffer)) { NumBytesReq = sizeof(_acBuffer); } /* Set file pointer to the required position */ //fseek(phFile, Off,SEEK_SET); /* Read data into buffer */ NumBytesRead…

  • Display Bmp file from Sd_card

    mori64 - - emWin related


    Thank you can you help to implement it with keil compiler and fs library . here is code that i can open file :Quote: “ FILE *f; ” Quote: “f = fopen ("Test.Bmp","r"); ” now how should i write "GetData" ? i cant use Getdata Function in the sample code "2DGL_DrawBMP.C" Best regards,

  • Display Bmp file from Sd_card

    mori64 - - emWin related


    Hello How Can i Display a Bmp file from Sd_card ? I tried this function "GUI_BMP_Draw" but i wasn't successful . thanks.

  • Hello all I have a Button that in it's call back routine a new window will create . this new window is a kind of notification and I need to do nothing until the user click one of buttons . i use "GUI_WaitKey();" . When ever I click by touch it works fine but when i use keypad "GUI_KEY_ENTER" it cause muc hangs . C Source Code (4 lines) when i debug my code it stopped at this line: U32 GUI_X_GetTaskId(void) { return 0; /*(U32)OS_GetTaskID();*/ }

  • cursor won't move

    mori64 - - emWin related


    Quote from YOZHik: “From the manual: "The application should call it about 100 times/second." 100 times/second constitutes not 100 ms but 10 ms interval.” I changed it but nothing changed ! and the point is the "GUI_TOUCH_GetyPhys() ,GUI_TOUCH_GetxPhys()" return correct . why cursor won't change ?

  • cursor won't move

    mori64 - - emWin related


    Hello I use ewin5.20 ,I have Analog touch, i wrote analog driver for my board. It worked fine but i don't know what happened that my cursor wont't move any more ! i check the coordinate by function "GUI_TOUCH_GetxPhys() " and "GUI_TOUCH_GetyPhys() " and it return true, in another word when i press the touch they change correctly . "GUI_TOUCH_Exec()" function is called every 100 ms cursor is always at top left corner so what is my mistake ? Any help will be appreciated

  • GUI_Init problem

    mori64 - - emWin related


    Hi i use ewin512 i edited this code for my LCD and Sdram . i converted a bitmap file to array and wrote it on the memory which allocated to LCD i did it in the EnableLcdController function and for sureness put a While(1) for check this picture showed properly on LCD . but when i remove while(1) actually call GUI_int() normal the code stop in this function and never back ! so if the configuration is wright what's the problem ? 8|