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  • I have an issue where it seems the GDB server is caching a value from flash instead of reading the correct value. The device is a EFM32GG990F0124 with a Cortex-M3 core. I am using codesourcery/gdbserver to debug. I have attached a source file showing the problem. The code first clears a page in flash and then writes a value back to the first word in that page. When I set a breakpoint at the last while loop the debugger is showing the old value for the variable in flash, see the attached screensh…

  • Here is LCDConf.c. I believe this is all you need to reproduce it.

  • I am using the LIN driver with 1bpp with a 144 pixel display with. The problem I am experiencing is that emWin seems to still treat this as a 128 pixel width. E.g. if i draw two pixels right below each other, the second pixel is written 128 bits later, not 144. The same happens when I increase the display width, until I reach 160, where it is correct again (second pixel is drawn 160 bits later in memory). The same happens for other display sizes as well. Only sizes divisible by 32 seems to work …