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  • Thanks Til, does the same apply to mailboxes or any other waitable objects? Francesco

  • I have a simple application with three tasks: T1: producer task, puts some data to the queue. Producer priority is "1" T2: low priority consumer task, retrieves data from the queue. its priority is "2" T3: high priority consumer task, retrieves data from the queue. its priority is "3" It seems that if queue is empty, and T3 calls OS_Q_GetPtr() before T2, when T1 produces data, this data is consumed by T2, not by T3. This is because after T3 and T2 suspension, queue's waitobj chain is: waitobj->T…

  • Porting a simple application for BSD sockets we faced the following problem: the original code was an evergreen of socket programming: C Source Code (1 line) this call returns a socket handle sh=0, which, according to embOS/IP documentation, is a valid handle, but subsequent calls to getsockopt() and setsockopt() return -1; We then discovered that the same example works replacing the socket creation code with: C Source Code (1 line) We suggest to treat internally any non-zero value passed as thi…