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  • Hi. I have a problem with disabling the memory initialization procedure performed by JLink while connecting to running target for debugging with Ozone. This is especially problematic with second core. The guide ( says that: "In order to skip the ECC RAM init, the exec ForceAttachTarget=1 command string needs to be used." If I understand correctly, to do so, I should use Exec.Command console command to issue this. However, even if I do so, this gets ignored and m…

  • Hello, I'm working on bringing up a prototype board which has S32K322 device. After writing some image to the flash memory using J-Link Flash via SWD, I'm unable to re-flash the target again. This was probably 30th time I flashed the device, before that I was able to connect, flash, erase and debug. I've reached out to NXP for assistance, but this did not yield any results yet:…t-to-S32K322/td-p/2035700 Brief summary of the issue: -MCU was operational, I was able t…