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  • Hi Fabian, Thanks. Yes I am using the Nordic Dev Board, which contains a J-Link. I am using the Segger RTT viewer though. Please let me know if using Segger RTT viewer is good enough to continue this conversation. Also on a side note, what Segger tools can I use to connect to nRF52840 over SWD interface to get RTT information? Cheers, Kaushalya

  • Hi, This seems to be a common issue, but I didn't see a way around for my problem. I use Nordic nRF52840 DK as a JTAG interface with some openthread devices. I can see the console messages being sent by my devices. I cant seem to get a reply for my commands send via the input channel. I can see in the log window that all the chars in my input string being sent to the device. But I cant see any chars being sent back. I know if I try the serial console, I get a reply for the same command. I tried …