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  • SEGGER implemented support for the SST25VF020B in Version V7.92d (2023-09-07). Flash is now auto-detected, works great, thanks!

  • The write problem is probably caused by the missing page program mode of the SST25VF020B. It got only a byte program mode and an AAI program mode (Auto Address Increment). Both don't fit the protocol the Flasher assumes. Flasher: cmd| addr | addr | addr | data0 | data1 | data2 | … | datan-1 SST25VF020B AAI program mode: cmd | addr | addr | addr | data0 | data1 | cmd | data2 | data3 | … | cmd | datan-2 | datan-1 SST25VF020B byte program mode: cmd| addr | addr | addr | data0 | cmd | addr | addr | …

  • Hello, the setup consists of a custom board with a MCU the SST25VF020B SPI-Flash and an ADC on the same SPI bus. Now a Flasher Compact should be used to program the SPI-Flash directly. While programming the chip select of the ADC is pulled HIGH and the Flasher Compact holds the MCU in reset. Auto detection of SST25VF020B does not work, so I manually configured it. Reading the JEDEC ID works and reading of the flash content also seems to work. The MCU is already programmed and can write/read to/f…