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  • Hello, Thank you for your answer. Our J-Link serial number is 504501744. We are indeed powering our board only through the debug interface. To add a bit more information, there is a buck regulator on the board that generate the needed 3.3V. Do you think that this regulator (TPS630250RNCT) could inject some noise on the supply and that we would better use a LDO for this specific test ? Also the used LED is an RGB one controlled using PWMs but all 3 duty cycles were set to 100% for testing. Best r…

  • Hello, I'm currently trying to use Ozone with a JLink Ultra+ to measure the power consumption of an embedded project and I'm facing strange behaviour. The first issue I encountered was that the displayed consumption changes a lot when I change the Ozone's sampling frequency. As you can see on the first attached image, for the same code (BLE advertising and blinking LED), the measures seems drastically different and I don't really know what setting to believe to have the more representative value…