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  • Thanks for your help! But I can't get it working. According to the description file within the Segger installation directory I need to disable event-id 96 to get rid of the xQueueGenericSendFromISR messages: 96 xQueueGenericSendFromISR xQueue=%I pvItemToQueue=%p pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken=%u xCopyPosition=%u How exactly do I have to configure the DisableMask to achive this? Can you give me an example? Thanks a lot! Best regards, Tobias

  • Would be nice if anyone has any idea. It would help to just deactivate all interrupts if that's possible...

  • Hello, I've got a question regarding SystemView in combination with FreeRTOS and high frequency interrupts: Is it possible to deactive the capturing of certain events to omit buffer overflows? For example events that come from certain interrupts or any arbitrary events in general. I've got an high frequency interrupt which releases a semaphore. This leads to buffer overflows (see image attached). Thank you in advance for your help! Best regards, Tobias