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  • Hi Anthony, Thanks for your response. I have tried the above suggestion but, In my application, If I store the font data in External Flash then to access that data I have to give space in RAM to read it as External Memory is not Memory-mapped. In any case, I have to read the whole font data in RAM, and then I can use it for font creation. So Is there any method in which the overall Font data size is lower than XBF In which I can store the data in Ext Flash and a single buffer in RAM can crate mu…

  • Hi Guys, I am working on an old Microcontroller in which I have embedded the Emwin Library. But MC(MK22FN512VDC12) has only 128K RAM, so I also have to create multiple fonts. Is there any provision available in emwin using that I can access the font even using Lower RAM it can be crated. I am mainly targeting the SIF or XBF format. In that, I have to use only a single buffer in RAM(Local) of the maximum size of font size. So I can use a buffer and read font data in it from External Memory which …

  • PNG image is not displaying

    Amol - - emWin related


    Thanks, Florian, In EmwinSimulor over the Windows system, it is working fine. PNG images are showing properly. But in my actual application, I have added the EmwinPNG library from this link After adding the library it is compiled in KDS. The MCU is K22FN512 and External Flash is non-memory mapped. Allocated memory for emwin : static uint32_t s_gui_memory[(8000 + 3) / 4]; /* needs to be word-aligned */ // void LCD_X_Config(void) { GUI_DEVICE *pDevice; GUI_PORT…

  • PNG image is not displaying

    Amol - - emWin related


    Hi guys, I am using the Emwin version v6.16 I need to show the image in the PNG format using the GUI_PNG_DrawEx() function. but the image is not displayed on the Window. Steps: 1. PNG image file converted to C file using Bin2C convertor. 2. Pass the array to GUI_PNG_DrawEx(). Note: Same I have tried for BMP format images. BMP images are shown correctly. In my main application, I want to show a PNG image array stored in External Flash. Please help me out with this. If I missing something. I am at…

  • Hi Florian, You are skinning resolves the all issues. Thanks and regards, Amol

  • Thanks, Florian This resolved the thumb draw issue. But it still has a switch text issue which is set to default in disabled case. Either if the thumb is in the Right state.

  • Hi, This is regarding the switch widget. I have used sample code SWITCH_Usage.c and use API WM_DisableWindow() for disabling the switch widget. After disabled, the switch widget provided a disabled bitmap as a thumb image not getting drawn(shown black circle as per enabled state bitmap) but background bitmap is get drawn which provided for disabled state. Please help me out with this switch widget Disabled case. I am attaching the sample code. Thanks and regards, Amol

  • Hello guys, I want to rotate the BMP marker using the Rotary widget I referred to "ROTARY_Usage.c.c" as an example.It works fine as expected. Then I tried to create a rotary widget using "ROTARY_CreateIndirect". Using ROTARY_CreateIndirect I successfully tried to crate the rotary widget and was able to rotate the maker on it. The coordinates are 0, 0, 235, 235 : x0, y0, xSize, ySize respectively in table. while I tried to move the rotary widget to another coordinate but the Background bitmap get…