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  • Excellent answer, thanks. It's definitely not worth the effort.

  • The LPC8xx microcontrollers have a Code Read Protection which disables the SWD port. If I set CRP2 in my firmware and flash it to the target (using Segger J-Flash), then the only way to erase and reflash is by talking to the ROM bootloader via the ISP interface (UART). There's a program called FlashMagic (and a few opensource linux tools: lpc21isp, lpcisp, and lpcprog from lpctools package) which can do a mass erase and restore the SWD access. Just wondering if any Segger tools can do the same.

  • I want to use MTB on MKL05Z32 (4k RAM). But it doesn't seem to be working. Whenever I enable Trace Buffer in the Ozone settings, my program just crashes with a hard fault. I have reserved space in RAM for the MTB buffer with: (where __SA_MTB_SIZE=0x200 is globally defined as in the project settings) C Source Code (1 line) And I see in the MAP file that mtb_buf is located at 0x1ffffc00, which is consistent with the reference manual which states it should be located at (0x2000_0000 -(RAM_Size/4)) …