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  • USART interrupt using mailbox

    lawberman - - embOS related


    Hi OS_GetMail cannot be used in an interrupt because it suspends the calling task if the mailbox is empty and an interrupt cannot be suspended as it is not a task. OS_GetMailCond does not suspend the calling task if the mailbox is empty, it checks to see if the mailbox has any messages. If it does, it returns 0. If the mailbox is empty it returns 1. Thus it can be used in an interrupt. Hope this helps Lawrence

  • setting window focus

    lawberman - - emWin related


    Hi When I close a window, the window under it doesn't always get the focus. Is there a neat way to automatically set focus to the top level window without having to know its handle? Thanks Lawrence

  • Hi When exactly is GUI_ExecCreatedDialog() used? When I call GUI_CreateDialogBox(), it displays the dialog immediately. If I call it again, it redisplays the dialog box. Why would I need GUI_ExecCreatedDialog()? Thanks Lawrence

  • Hi Would there a be problem calling OS_PutMail for a multi byte message, passing it a pointer to a temporary stack variable, for example: void aFunction(void) { short int aMsg = 12345678; OS_PutMail(&aMB, &aMsg); } Thanks Lawrence

  • Message Box

    lawberman - - emWin related


    Thanks very much.

  • Message Box

    lawberman - - emWin related


    Hi I want to create a message box that closes automatically after a preset time. I have used MESSAGEBOX_Create to create a message box and return a handle which I use to assign it a callback. I then created a timer to send the message box a timer msg. In the callback, on a WM_TIMER msg I call GUI_EndDialog(pMsg->hWin, 0); While this closes the message box, the GUI hangs after this. I have tried making the message box non modal, closing it by sending it a button msg, but the GUI still hangs after…

  • Hi The problem is solved. I was using an earlier version of the driver file. Thanks Lawrence

  • Hi I am a little confused, because the problem does not seem to be inverted colors. I can get a text box to display black text on white background if I do all of the following: 1. In the callback for the background window, set background color to BLACK and foreground color to WHITE. (I am being serious). 2. After creating the text widget, set the widget background to WHITE. In this case, the text widgets are drawn as white boxes (with black text) against a black background. On the other hand, if…

  • Thanks a lot. I have tried it and now it works.

  • Thank you, I have used a __ramfunc to switch off the PLL after device startup and device continues operation. The actual function I used was: #pragma object_attribute=__ramfunc void ReconfigureMainClock(void) { AT91C_BASE_PMC->PMC_MCKR = 1; /* (PMC) Switch Clock to Main Oscillator */ while((AT91C_BASE_PMC->PMC_SR & (1 << 3)) == 0); /* Wait until main clock is ready */ AT91C_BASE_PMC->PMC_MCKR |= (1 << 2); while((AT91C_BASE_PMC->PMC_SR & (1 << 3)) == 0); /* Wait until main clock is ready */ /* (P…

  • Is there a problem if the Windows Manager is V4.08 while the LCD driver (Sitronix st7529) is only V4.04? Thanks Lawrence

  • Hi I am using an AT91SAM7s256 using embOS. I am attempting to switch from PLL to just using the Main Oscillator in order to conserve power as I need this to run off a battery. Every time I try to switch off the PLL, the microcontroller does wierd things, such as overwrite the embOS data structures. My switching code is: _PMC_MCKR = 1; /* (PMC) Clock from PLL is selected */ while((_PMC_SR & (1 << 3)) == 0); /* Wait until main clock is ready */ _PMC_MCKR |= (0 << 2); while((_PMC_SR & (1 << 3)) == …

  • Hi I am displaying a text box widget on the screen wihtout making it a child of another window. No matter what I do, the text box is drawn on a black background. I have tried the following: - WM_SetDesktopColor(GUI_WHITE); - TEXT_SetBkColor(hText, GUI_WHITE); (hText being the handle of the TEXT widget) - Adding #define TEXT_DEFAULT_BK_COLOR GUI_WHITE to TEXT.h The code creating the TEXT widget is: void MainTask(void) { TEXT_Handle hText; hText = TEXT_CreateEx(162, 40, 88, 70,0, WM_CF_SHOW, TEXT_…