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  • Segment LCD

    mcharre - - emWin related


    Ok, Maybe it could be a feature Thanks for your fast answer Regards Mathieu

  • Segment LCD

    mcharre - - emWin related


    Hi, Today emWin is used as our standard tool to developp our simulator and our code for our display. But we have now a request to have a segment LCD. It's mentionned nowhere that emWin can managed such king of LCD. Is it possible to define segment and drive such kind of LCD? Thanks Mathieu

  • Hi Adrian, Due to my RAM limitation, i forgot the GIF and use some BMP to do it manually. Thanks a lot for your help. Regards Mathieu

  • Hi Adrian, My question is about the "GUI_NUMBYTES" defined in GUIConf.c, how can i know the size in order to treat GIF pictures? Because if i set it to 0x2000 the GIF cannot be read, but if i set 0x200000 it works. So how can i know the limit? Do i have to test all possibilities? or is there a calculation to know the value i have to set according to the max size of GIF i have? Thanks for your help Regards Mathieu

  • Hi Adrian, How can i know the max size of the "unsigned char" variable result from emWin tool to convert the GIF? As the variable is in const for me (ROM is greater than RAM) is there any function which work using pointer on the variable? Thanks for your support. Regards Mathieu

  • Hi, I have a simulation where GUI_NUMBYTES is defined with 0x200 000, but in my source code it's only defined with 0x2 000. The size of my GIF exceed 0x2000, so i can't see the animation on the target. The "GUI_GIF_GetInfo" function result set always the number of image to 0 as greater than max defined. My code is very simple: Source Code (18 lines) As it's only a compilation of image, is there any other way to display GIF? Thanks Mathieu

  • Hi Adrian, Ok, i know now that it's not possible, as i try to do. Will there be any update to add this functionality or is there any trick to do this for me? Thanks a lot for your help. Mathieu

  • Hi, I'm simulating a black and white LCD so with GUICC_1 configuration. I would like to simulate screen backlight and contrast, and i try to modify black and white color during running but noway. I try: - SIM_GUI_SetLCDColorWhite and SIM_GUI_SetLCDColorBlack - GUI_SetBkColor It seems that it works at initialisation, but not during running. Is there any possibility to modify colors in GUICC_1 configuration during running?