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  • I think the reflasher does not support st-link v3 boards yet, will it support and how soon ?

  • I have JLink Edu, when connecting to M33, it gives this warning: "Cortex-M (ARMv8-M and later): The connected J-Link (S/N ...) uses an old firmware module that does not handle I/D-cache correctly. Proper debugging functionality cannot be guaranteed if cache is enabled" It has the latest fw software. So is this related to the hardware ? Is there something I can do about it or only solution is to get a new one ?

  • Thanks Nino. I was actually asking about the trace initialization not trace itself but I figured out the problem I have, so all good for now.

  • Hello, I have the cortex-m trace ref. board and JLink EDU. I know I cant do tracing with JLink but I only want to see the signals (TCLK, TDx) on the oscilloscope. I am using the example project for the ref. board, but when I attach debugger, it says "ETM RAWTRACE is not supported by the connected emulator" and I believe (because I do not see anything on the oscilloscope) trace is not enabled. Is there a way to enable trace without a JTrace ? Best regards, Mete