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  • Yes, it is working first time on JLink 7.68. It is the exact same board, with the same JTrace, and exactly the same connections (the only change is the JLink software). Source Code (66 lines)However, I am using the JTrace Pro, which I suspect not many people are using, so it may be broken since quite a long time. Thanks, Florent

  • Hello, with the most recent versions of JLink, the connection to the STM32H730 takes many tries. Typically I can connect in the JLink command line, but it takes two tries (the first "connect" will not work, while the second "connect" will work). If I re-launch JLink command line, the same behavior happens again (the first "connect" will never work). It was working with older JLink versions, so there must be a regression here. Source Code (110 lines) Thanks, Florent

  • Hello, we are using a JTrace PRO + Ozone 3.28, with a custom STM32H730IB board. We are using a the 4-pins trace interface, with a low CPU frequency so that the trace can be working without issues (TRACECLK is 30MHz or so). We also use the provided .pex file (ST_STM32H743_Traceconfig.pex) and load it in the Ozone project. The problem is that the trace is only working before hitting the first breakpoint. We have the following behavior: - if "Reset & Run" mode is used, the trace not working (we hav…

  • Hi Niklas, thanks, the issue seems to be fixed on 5.10p! Florent

  • No, you don't need to export the code to another IDE to reproduce the problem. I used only JLink to flash the .hex files and the issue is reproduced. I tried with BLE_Battery_Level example. Check the attachement. Note that if you don't switch the SWD interface into GPIO mode, the issue is not present. I also attached the .hex file with SWD in GPIO mode, you can also generate it with the IDE (in CortexM0\ARM_GCC_493\Debug\BLE_Battery_Level.hex). I use the Cypress BLE Pionneer Kit, and I use the b…

  • Hi Niklas, this issue is not be related to a specific project. Just open any sample PSoC BLE project from Cypress in PSoC Creator, make the change SWD > GPIO as stated in AN92584, and that should do it. Once the PSoC is flashed, JLink won't be able to connect to it again. Florent

  • Check for example AN92584 at…timating-battery-life-ble At page 7/8 : SWD Pin Configuration, they explain how to configure it. They say that the SWD pins are in GPIO mode normally, but "will still be available for programming the device upon chip reset.". Florent

  • PSoCs have a mode where the SWD interface is enabled only in RESET mode; in order to reduce the power consumption. Cypress call this "SWD in GPIO mode", check in the PSoC Creator IDE under System tab. However it seems that JLink does not support a connect-under-RESET for PSoC devices. When in SWD-GPIO mode, JLink can't connect at all, actually it does not even detect the SWD interface. Trying to change rsettype to 3 returns an UNKNOWN type, and does not solve the problem. Also, programming the P…