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  • Hello, I am working on a new project and I wonder if you will support DA16200 soon. It's ARM Cortex-M4F. If it's not supported, is it possible to do something to access with JFlash? When I am trying to connect on Cortex-M4, I got a CFI error (unable to access to the flash). A IAR project was done by Dialog and I can connect in debugging mode using the JLink correctly. So, is there any plan to support it soon? Best regards Christian

  • Hello, I am trying for the first time RTT_printf() function. It seems to work except one thing. In our firmware (device STM32L451), we're going in sleep mode once the tasks (O/S FreeRTOS) are completed. I noticed that I need to wait around ~ one second to make sure all output RTT buffer is completely transferred. It's not real time! I am running with a J-Link at 4 MHz. WHat I did is transfered a small string... "XXXXX Task" at each 2 ms during 3 or 4 seconds before going in sleep mode. I would l…