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  • Hi, thanks for the response. I will try this and get back to you soon.

  • The wiki page (J-Link Device Support Kit - SEGGER Wiki) says "Customers may freely structure the folder into subfolders with a maximum depth of 4" This feature works fine on Windows. For example, the following structure works: Source Code (6 lines)However, such a structure doesn't work on Linux: Source Code (6 lines)Whereas this does work: Source Code (4 lines)It looks like the Linux version is missing this search depth feature, so it only looks for XML files at the JLinkDevices directory. I'm u…

  • Thanks Fabian. That has solved everything. Since you can edit the wiki... ideally the function's description would fully define the operation. It would include details such as: 1. Are 8 bits packed into each byte of the input/output/direction arrays, or it is 1 bit per index? 2. What direction value corresponds to input/output? 3. Is the data in the byte sent LSB first or MSB first? Of course I know these answers now. They would be helpful for someone who is new to using this function. Thanks ag…

  • I have a Jlinkscript: C Source Code (12 lines) When adding this to jlink via the commands line: Source Code (1 line)jlink will often crash back to the terminal when I enter the "connect" command which triggers InitTarget to be run. I also checked this with ResetTarget and it also crashed. Depending on the data specified in pDataOut, jlink may succeed in executing the command but when I check the data with a logic analyser, it does not match the pDataOut array. What is the proper usage of this fu…

  • Updated and appears fixed. Thanks!

  • This bug is somewhat related to Ozone window views geometry lost when dragging window to another screen - Ozone related - SEGGER - Forum I just updated to V3.22a. When restoring the window from maximised (either by pressing the button or dragging the title bar), sometimes Ozone will forget its previous size and become a minimum size: Reproduction steps (I can make this happen 100% of the time): 1. Open Ozone 2. Close the "welcome to Ozone" box 3. Resto…

  • V3.20e has been very good to me. In 3 days, I encountered 1 instance of this issue and it was when using SystemView which always causes more trouble.

  • Quote from icwiener: “@Zeke: thanks for the command. ... Just curious though. What version are you running? ” Haha! I'm running V3.20b still. I'll upgrade and get back to you. Timeline shouldn't be an issue since I don't use that.

  • Just another day at work... Closing Ozone via task manager is taking too much time so I use cmd instead. Seriously I can reproduce this all day and on several machines (with varying error rates, my main PC being the worst). Ask me anything! I'm seriously suspecting the severity varies based on the exact j-link hardware used. We have a J-trace at the office that I don't think I've seen it on. Meanwhile the j-link on-board that I use at home is awful for…

  • I also have this issue. It's been an issue in Ozone for a long time and incredibly easy to reproduce. It occurs when the non-maximised window is small enough to push the panels in Ozone. Reproduction steps: Open ozone Make sure it's not maximised, but make it large enough that it can be smaller Make sure the panels are not at their minimum size (expand them) Resize the whole ozone window as small as possible Resize Ozone to be the same size as initially Observe that all the panels have been push…

  • More logs. I think these should be clearer since I barely did anything to Ozone before hitting the bug.

  • Finally I got some logs small enough to upload with a complete jlink log. Hope this helps!

  • Quote from SEGGER - Nino: “Hello, Quote from Zeke: “Here are some logs. These are from after I closed Ozone via task manager. ” Thank you for providing the logs. The J-Link log does not seem to be saved correctly. Is Ozone the only tool in this instance that is connected to your J-Link or are there also other tools?You write that this issue appears on your own eval boards. I believe we should have them in our office as they are using J-Link OBs. Could you provide an example project for your boar…

  • Here are some logs. These are from after I closed Ozone via task manager.

  • Yes, I can do that. I can also confirm this bug is not related to editing variables in the watched data view. My encounter today went like this: Open Ozone New project (specify .elf, SWD @ 4MHz) Save project file Connect to jlink Run Do things in other programs... Come back to ozone Try to set breakpoint (nothing happened) Try to pause CPU (nothing happened)

  • Hi. I've answered a few of those already but I'll summarise here. Could you provide us with reproduction steps that work reliably? Unfortunately it's rather random. My colleague gets this bug every other day, but I was once triggering it every 10 minutes. It MAY be related to editing variables in the watched data list. All of my recent experiences of the bug have been the same sessions where I was doing this. What is your debug setup? Cortex-M0 core with a custom ASIC being debugged by an on-boa…

  • Can confirm this is still a bug in 3.20b. Just occurred on the same setup after re-compiling the binary and going back to ozone. Ozone asked me if I wanted to load the new binary and I pressed yes. The dialog closed and nothing happened (there is no flashing dialog). Status bar says "Resetting device...". FYI I'm on Windows 10 Pro on a desktop. Here's another thread on the same issue:…ost-connection-to-target/

  • This is basically a re-post of…ne-hangs-in-device-reset/ I was having this issue in 3.20a. It would trigger after only a few minutes of connection to the device. I've updated to 3.20b and the issue appears fixed (after about 30 minutes of use), but I don't see anything that would fix this in the release notes. The bug was triggered seemingly at random. After this, none of the interaction with the device would work. Resetting, halting, disconnection, editing/viewing…