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  • Hi, I'm using Renesas RA6M3 mcu and I'm having trouble selecting Loader on pin P207-P214 for QSPI programming. As IDE I'm using e2studio RA and I have attached .jlink and .log files. In .jlink it seems Loaders file is correctly configured: Loaders="BankAddr=0x60000000&Loader=CLK@P214_nCS@P207_D0@P211_D1@P210_D2@P209_D3@P208" as the log reports: T4F30 000:044.943 JLINK_ExecCommand("ProjectFile=C:\...\UVC/UVC Debug_Flat.jlink", ...). T4F30 000:053.554 Flash bank @ 0x60000000: Stored loader selecti…