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  • Hello Nino, the issue appeared in V3.26c (x86 Ubuntu Machine) and I used elf files for debugging. To have the register mapping for the vedors peripherals, I have also loaded a SVG. As you mentions, I had a look at the software version and updated to V3.26h. With that version the behaviour is correct and the folding works fine. You can close this thread. Thank you for the support. Best regards Marco

  • [SOLVED] STL container support

    marco_s - - Ozone related


    Hello SEGGER team, I found a thread with an request to support C++ containers with pretty printers. I would like to ask, if there are some plans to implement this feature? It would really be great to have more C++ support Best regards, Marco

  • Hello SEGGER team, currently I'm working a lot with Ozone and really enjoy working with that tool. In noticed that that the register view always will fold the peripherals subtree, if the binary changes. To give an example scenario: Debugging a binary and observing peripherals registers, like e.g. GPIOA->ODR and GPIOC->ODR registers simultaneously. When the binary now changes, ozone will detect the change and restart the debug session. For the periphera…