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  • Thanks Alex. I ended up writing a shell script that starts an X client. Works okay, but adds unnecessary dependencies. I have used a bunch of emulators in the past and this is the first time I have encountered one that doesn't provide a headless flash tool. Anyway, the problem is solved for now and I have attached the bash script so others can use it. PS it requires installation of a few things on ubuntu: Source Code (1 line) source

  • I migrating to Segger Jlink PLUS compact and setting up a CI pipeline that uses jflash. It looks like Jlink GDB server has a command line utility but not so for J flash. What is the simplest way to run jflash headless? Surely this is very basic functionality that is provided somehow. Using JFlashExe requires X server, which is not going to work for most automation pipelines - am I missing something? Project file and flash script attached