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  • OS_Delay never returns

    Mmucker - - embOS related


    It doesn't appear that the systick timer interrupt is firing. I set a breakpoint on OS_ISR_TICK() in Rtosinit_GNURX.c and the breakpoint is never hit. (I tried both a hardware and a software breakpoint.) While I'm sure I could debug this with enough effort, the truth is that I'm new to the RX platform. Do you have any tips on chasing this down? Thanks! -Matthew

  • OS_Delay never returns

    Mmucker - - embOS related


    I've tested and this happens using the LDT library, the LD library, and the R library.

  • OS_Delay never returns

    Mmucker - - embOS related


    I'm writing an app on the Renesas RX platform and the GNU RX compiler using the embOS object files. I'm calling OS_Delay(100), but the function never returns. I've stepped through the code and it appears I'm in a four-instruction infinite loop inside _OS_DelayUntil: FFF87D40 EDAB09 MOV.L 24H[R10],R11 FFF87D43 437B SUB R7,R11 FFF87D45 610B CMP #0H,R11 FFF87D47 29F9 BLT.B 0FFF87D40H (For reference, _OS_DelayUntil is at 0xFFF87CDC in this build.) Now, I generated my project from scratch rather than…

  • Linker errors in two projects

    Mmucker - - embOS related


    I found that to resolve the undefined reference to ram_start, I had to go to the build menu, toolchain, Link/Library tab, Sections category, show entries for Sections, and add a .ram_start section with a _ram_start label. I did this by comparing a C project that worked against my C++ project that wouldn't link. I am not at all confident that I selected an appropriate start address for _ram_start. While this is, again, a tools issue more than an OS issue, if anyone has any pointers for me on how …

  • Linker errors in two projects

    Mmucker - - embOS related


    I'm using HEW to target code for the Renesas RX platform. I started a C++ project from scratch and, I think, set up most of the build environment correctly. I realize that my question is more of a tools question than an OS question, but I think this forum is the place where I'm likely to get the best answer. I've reduced the compile/link errors I'm getting to two: Phase Linker starting C:\Code\OS\Segger_embOS\GNURX\LIB\libosLDP.a(OS_StackInfo.o): In function `OS_GetSysStackBase': (.text+0x2): un…