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  • Hi! I keep running into OS_GetMail( m_pMbox, ipc ) triggering OS_ASSERT_CPU_IN_TASK_MODE() which is strange since the function is called by a regular task. When I set a breakpoint in OS_AssertTaskMode() I can see that OS_InInt contains often the value 0xDD (but also occasionally other values). I think this is not a "normal" value of this variable and that it may somehow have gotten corrupted. Do you have tips on how I could debug this issue ?

  • Nevermind, I did find it. My bad, thread may be closed!

  • Hi! Some years ago I used the wonderful J-Scope tool. I am trying to find the most recent download and the docs claims that it is part of the J-Link download. However, I haven't been able to find it even after installing all of the J-Link SW. Has J-Scope changed name or is it a different download. Thanks

  • Thanks Alex! I finally figured it out, I needed a software reset ( monitor reset 6) to be issued after the load in my gdbinit. Without it, insight/gdb would be confused when communicating with the segger gdbserver and complain about unknown/unparsed commands . The strange thing was that the first launch would succeed in flashing the chip, but the connection would then be lost. However, the second launch would allow normal debugging. In short, two launches were necessary to debug before the "soft…

  • Hello, Thanks for the answer, I turns out i did does indeed work. I must have been changing something else temporarily so that I wrongly suspected the init script!. However, I've now go a different problem. Single-stepping does not work. I load a program that is working fine when I simply run it. If i instead attempt to issue "si" (single-step) from gdb after loading and resetting, the GDB server complains: "Performing single step... ERROR: Failed to read current instruction. Connection to debug…

  • Hi! I've been trying to download a program into the flash memory by using the following gdb init script: # # connect to the J-Link gdb server # target remote localhost:2331 # # Setup flash programming # monitor flash device = TMS470R1B1M monitor flash download = 1 #monitor WorkRAM = <SAddr>-<EAddr> #monitor flash CFI = <SAddr>-<EAddr> # # Select target endianess # monitor endian big # # Set init JTAG speed to 30 kHz # monitor speed 30 # # Reset the chip to get to a known state. # monitor reset #…