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  • You may want to try something similar to the following. If I run the following batch file everything works as expected. @ECHO OFF JFlashARM.exe -openprjC:\Projects\AmigoUTForMainBoardTester\bin\Debug\AT91FR40162.jflash -openBootstrap_Loader.hex -auto -exit ECHO ERRORLEVEL: %ERRORLEVEL% ECHO %ERRORLEVEL% > log.log IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO ERROR ECHO SUCCESS! GOTO END :ERROR ECHO ERROR! :END If I run with cable or power disconnected the output is: C:\test>test.bat ERRORLEVEL: 1 ERROR! If everything is…

  • If the STR7 Flash is software locked you can make use of the J-Flash utility to soft unlock it. There are two options to soft unlock this. You can set the Global Options to Automatically unlock sectors if necessary. Or you can modify the Flash by navigating to the Target|Lock/Unlock sectors menu option.