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  • Hi Nino, thanks for your reply. I figured I might just use the Jlink RTT Logger to get to the data, but it seems that also does not support cjtag. So I reckon I will have to grab the data via UART. Cheers!

  • Hi! I am currently evaluating the use of Systemview for our purposes. We are using a cc1310 from TI with the cJtag as the debug interface. Our Jlink-Plus works flawlessly with it in Code Composer Studio for normal debugging purposes. My question is: It seems that Systemview is still missing the Existing Session option from the connect dialog (rtt viewer for example has it). See this thread from the past : Connect to existing debug session not available In the Target Recorder Configuration I can …

  • Hi Fabian, thanks for your reply. In fact I can verify, that the cjtag does work in a 2 pin configuration with the cc1310 even with the J-Flash 6.62d. As most often it was a user error on my side, after proper setup of the HW it works flawlessly. Cheers!

  • Hi! I was trying to connect to my cc1310 device via J-Flash, using the cJtag interface. My observation was the following: Having the following setting in J-Flash I am able to connect to my cc1310 device, as long as all 4 Jtag pins are connected. We have our own 2*4 connector with this pinout Once I disconnect TDI and TDO from the device (by actually cutting them on the PCB then the J-Flash can not connect any…