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  • STemwin GUI_Init Hard Fault

    lehacheb - - emWin related


    I have approximately a same code. I you use IAR EMW? And you have not Hard Fault never?

  • STemwin GUI_Init Hard Fault

    lehacheb - - emWin related


    I have 8 bit data bus. Но это вроде бы как неважно, сами-то функции описаны правильно, потому что иногда инициализацию проходит и GUI загружает. Но все равно скинь пожалуйста, посмотрю

  • STemwin GUI_Init Hard Fault

    lehacheb - - emWin related


    Ну спасибо конечно!

  • STemwin GUI_Init Hard Fault

    lehacheb - - emWin related


    Yes. I put breakpoint inside PortAPI.pfRead8_A1 function, but HardFault happend before

  • STemwin GUI_Init Hard Fault

    lehacheb - - emWin related


    Any way, I added function PortAPI.pfRead8_A1, but it not be effectived.

  • STemwin GUI_Init Hard Fault

    lehacheb - - emWin related


    I added function PortAPI.pfRead8_A1. No changes. In emWin user manual PortAPI.pfRead8_A1 need for GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66721 (I am GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66720). By help debugger I find what GUI_Init() not use function PortAPI.pfRead8_A1.

  • STemwin GUI_Init Hard Fault

    lehacheb - - emWin related


    #define XSIZE_PHYS 480// Physical display size #define YSIZE_PHYS 272 #define COLOR_CONVERSION GUICC_M565 #define DISPLAY_DRIVER GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR #define DISPLAY_ORIENTATION (0) void LCD_X_Config(void) { GUI_DEVICE * pDevice; CONFIG_FLEXCOLOR Config = {0}; GUI_PORT_API PortAPI = {0}; pDevice = GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(DISPLAY_DRIVER, COLOR_CONVERSION, 0, 0);// Set display driver and color conversion LCD_SetSizeEx (0, XSIZE_PHYS , YSIZE_PHYS);// Display driver configuration LCD_SetVSizeEx(0, VXSI…

  • STemwin GUI_Init Hard Fault

    lehacheb - - emWin related


    int LCD_X_DisplayDriver(unsigned LayerIndex, unsigned Cmd, void * pData) { int r; (void) LayerIndex; (void) pData; switch (Cmd) { case LCD_X_INITCONTROLLER: { _InitController(); return 0; } default: r = -1; } return r; } This function called with Cmd=1, executing _InitController(), and routine return r=0. I sure the innitialization of controller done correct.

  • STemwin GUI_Init Hard Fault

    lehacheb - - emWin related


    I explored this and found out that hard fault happen after executed LCD_X_DisplayDriver() inside GUI library STemWin522_CM3_IAR.a.

  • STemwin GUI_Init Hard Fault

    lehacheb - - emWin related


    Hello. I use STemWin_Library_V1.1.2 (on EmWin 5.22). Processor STM32F103, IDE IAR EWARM 6.50. When executed GUI_Init() processor rush out in HardFault_Handler(). I found in debugging mode, what it happened when executed assembler command BLX R1 (R1=0x08004C30), or the memory address on jupm command out of processor FLASH regions. But sometimes in debugging mode GUI_Init() execute, and after GUI work OK. Change project option, stack size, GUI memory not helped. Programm still non-forking. What is…