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  • Hello Fabian, Thank you, I have only now noticed the answer. Yes, we use exactly the same pins in our custom board. But as I mentioned the problem happens already with stm32h743-eval board ! I also noticed that you use ETB according to wiki, while I-Jet seems to use ETM pins. It is importnat to note that the SDK is IAR. So, I guess J-link does not support ETM with stm32h7 ? Thank you, Ran

  • Thank you, It did help to get progressed. Yet, I noticed that I must use the pex file. But how was it created ? If I need to build it on my own, how can I do that ? Where is the text file javascriptfile ? It seems that with I-jest it works( while with j-link it doesn't !) j-link prints on start debug: I-jet prints on start debug: Any idea why these debuggers behave different ? Thanks Thank you, Ran

  • Hello, I use j-trace with stm32h743 and IAR. 1. On testing the trace with SEGGER cortex-m reference board (stm32h7407, which comes with the j-trace product) and IAR, the functionality works great. 2. I then moved to stm32h743 eval board. Using CN8 (ETM Trace connector) , I get no complaints from IAR on triggering ETM in the "ETM function trace" window , yet the windows is always empty, and also "ETM trace settings", window is disabled except for "trace buffer size". In the functional reference b…

  • Hello, We are trying to flash external NOR S29GL256S90GHI010 , but it fails already in sector erase. (The flash is connected to FMC bus with STM32 ). In flash configuartion, we choose S29GL256S. Is it that this flash is not supported? Why does it fail if we choose S29GL256S ? Thanks, ranran