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  • Hi Fabian, Thanks for the reply. Updating the software didn't fix the issue. I have attached the log files below. These correspond to the errors reported above. I have not used any evaluation boards. The MCU is on a custom PCB. It could be replicated by using an eval board for the ISM43340 Wifi module, on which is the target STM32 MCU. Thanks, Jason

  • Hi there, I am currently working on a vision sensor device that contains an Inventek ISM43340-M4G-L44-10C WiFi module. This WiFi module contains an STM32F405OGY6TR. While we initially used UART bootloader to flash the STM32 with the WiFi firmware, the latest design aimed to simplify programming by using JTAG/SWD with a Segger J-Link Plus and J-Flash software. We are encountering some issues when flashing the device with this method. It does not work reliably. It does work but often fails to eras…