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  • Yeah, mainly it's simplicity and convenience - to be able to use one Linux laptop with emacs, gdb, and a gdb-server. In theory a virtual Linux in an XP box or vice versa could do it, but then you need a windows license and are wasting cpu and ram on Windows. A linux gdb-server would be much cleaner and we wouldn't need to upgrade to Quad cores .. Emacs + gdb or VIM + gdb is a very efficient and pluggable "IDE"! (I'm looking into running cygwin-x + emacs and xterms, but have had a few crashes and…

  • Looking forward to this, not sure how well the open source solution + cheap hardware works, but that or the super pricey modules are the only option for linux host gdb development right now it seems.

  • We eventually solved our problems with reset, via a lengthier GDB script. Two issues were: we were bringing the bus clock down to 16khz (half the slow clock) at one point before we activated the PLL, which caused intermittent failures with the couple bus accesses that happened during that time. Made sure we switched to the main oscillator before we programmed the prescaler. And secondly, Atmel doesn't seem to have a reset mechanism that brings their peripheral (non-ARM) registers to sane values.…

  • Confirmed that 3.79h fixes the erroneous memory read issue we were seeing. Thanks! Still troubled by the reset issue, as our workaround is apparently fragile - I'm working with the engineer who's got the issue today, I'll post if we figure out more details. Thanks again, -brad

  • Thanks for the quick response. We will give it a try and post the results!

  • When debugging an AT91SAM9260 with a SAM-ICE and the gdb-server, we cannot single step through or set a breakpoint near certain memory accesses (seem to be accesses using a non-divisible by 4 offset from a register - the target location is aligned) - it causes an incorrect value to be loaded into the register. The correct value is loaded if we just run the code without setting breakpoints or single stepping. Here is more detail: The first case incorrectly reads 0xff00 into r0 from a gpio registe…