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  • Hi, My work environments are-- 1- Microcontroler -- Rx1138 (Renessas) 2- IAR workbench ver for Renessas -- 2.80.1 3- IAR workbench ver for common component -- 4- Emboss --3.90a We have been assigned a project which is compiling in debug mode. In debug mode, library used is "osRxfll_FDP.a". Which .a file should be used for release mode? Further implementation in software is implementation of low power modes, as project is battery operated. microcontroller provided low power modes. My q…

  • OS_GetCSemaValue

    techharsh - - embOS related


    Please help me clearing my doubt. I have one project to make it stable. In this project, one task need to terminate and hence, semaphore and queue associated to it also need to be deleted at run time. semaphore is counting semaphore (used as binary). During deletion any task may be waiting for semaphore. For error free deletion, which one is best method? set the semaphore value positive value and delete ; or signal the semaphore and delete.Can setting the semaphore value positive at run time mak…

  • OS_GetCSemaValue

    techharsh - - embOS related


    Hi, which value "OS_GetCSemaValue" returns? it is current count value or init value which is set. It is not clear from pdf. Can anybody help? Regards, Harsh

  • OS crash

    techharsh - - embOS related


    Thanks Til.. problem was in hardware and now all is fine

  • OS crash

    techharsh - - embOS related


    I am facing same problem. I am using Embos 3.80h and IAR 5.4 and controller STM32F10xxG. Please tell me how did you solve this. Regards, Harsh

  • Stack size calculation

    techharsh - - embOS related


    Hello everyone, I am working on LM3s5R31 controller. Embos version is 3.82K and IAR version is 6.3. I was finding out the stack size for tasks. EmbOS plugin shows used stack size but one thing I could not get. During idle time (normal working), used stack size for "Display Task" was 440 bytes. When controller does other operation, stack size increases to 560 bytes. I understand this thing as some extra routines are added. but when controller comes back in idle position (previous state), stack si…

  • Hi All, I am working on LM3S5K31 controoler and embos 3.82K. I am trying to use Hibernation module, but when I write "HibernateIntRegister(MyHibernateHandler);" to register Handler function for processing interrupt, processor got stuck in _IllegalException. Please guide me how to use Hibernate module. Thanks a lot.. Harsh

  • Thanks a lot for your reply. Now things are working fine

  • Hi All, In my application, I have switches connected to Port H pins. Requirement is whenever any switch is pressed, interrupt should occur.The problem is when I use GPIOPin interrupt related API like GPIOPinIntEnable(), code doesn't work. It seems control has reached to any undefined location. When I reset and the compile, I got error code 166(OS_ERR_CPU_STATE_ISR_ILLEGAL). I had also used OS_EnterInterrupt()/OS_LeaveInterrupt() in ISR. but no success. I am using embos ver 3.82K and controller i…

  • rtc implementation

    techharsh - - embOS related


    there is one MACRO in rtosinit.c "OS_FSYS". It should have same value as cpu clock to get 1ms interrupt and also, then OS_TIME will be multiple of 1ms.

  • rtc implementation

    techharsh - - embOS related


    Hi All, I have to implement day time (hour,min,sec). I created timer as OS_CREATETIMER (&TIMER1000,tod_Handler,1000). I think, timeout period is in mill second so callback function get called after every 1000 ms (1sec). Hence, Hour, Minute and Second variables get updates in callback function. These three variables are global variables so that I can use these variables to display time. But problem is, second is not incrementing in 1second( obviously, callback is not executed in 1 sec). I doubt t…