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So in this case I dont want old data to be omitted, until there is new data. that is I dont want the graph to be cleared. I want only to replace datas.
Hello, I want graph widget (YT is preffered) to restart from (0,0) when the graph reaches its other side border. For example suppose a graph with 400 pixell on t axis. and the graph start from (0,0). After adding some points, it reaches (400,y_400). for next point, I want it to start from (0,y_401). How can I reach this requirement? Is it possible with YT data graph, or should I use XY graph?
Hello, When I use BUTTON_SetBitmap or BUTTON_SetBitmapEx, it doesn't remove the default skinflex and the image is shown on top of the default skin. Should I disable or enable anything? Or should I change the drawing callback? If so how can I change it for different cases? I mean when the button is pressed, when it is released and when it is disabled. I use emwin v6.1 provided by keil on stm32f429.
Hello So far I have been able to create a project with STM32cube old versions and stemwin 5.44. I use stm32f429igt6 MCU. Problem: I have 4 graphs to be drawn. Graph widget is too slow. Since each graph have diffent structures, I should use 4 graph widget. Is emwin really too slow or some other mistakes by me? if I remove the graphs, the total GUI works fine. Is there exist any fast implementation? Sample that is updated really slow Source Code (13 lines) Any help would be appreciated
Hello all, I am working on programming LPC1788 with external ROM (NAND Flash) K9F2G08U0B or K9F1G08U0B (They are somehow similar). The NAND works perfectly on LPC1788 with simple reading datasheet, writing corresponding code and programming LPC1788. There are some related questions that I have encountered during developing the application. As I am using EMWIN for GUI, I have several images that I need to use. Now the main problem is LPC1788 memory shortage. I have followed wi…