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  • Hi, Normally when using fopen(), I only need to specify the file name and the file gets created in the project directory (It works with IAR and Eclipse). But with ozone, there is a problem. For example : C Source Code (1 line) So, I tired this: C Source Code (1 line)Now it works fine but the file get created in the C drive not in the project directory. Is there a way to specify where the files created by Semi-hosting should be saved in Ozone ? And is It possible to save them in the project direc…

  • Hi again, I tested my code on 3 versions (v5.40-v5.46-v5.48), I'm still having the same problem. Maybe i am missing something or i didn't explain my problem clearly , so I will try explain it better. When I'm in the first screen (the red one) and i press "enter" the app switch to the second screen (the green one) and stays there. But in the second screen initialization, i called GUI_EndDialog() so the normal behavior should be (I presume) : the green screen gets deleted and the app switch back t…

  • Thanks for the explication. But when using GUI_EndDialog(), the deletion never get done. You can check that nothing is done by running the previous code and replacing WM_DeleteWindow() by GUI_EndDialog(). Concerning why I want to delete a window/dialog in its initialization right after it has been created : In the application I am creating, during the initialization, i call multiple functions to get the values i want to display or to activate other tasks... but these functions could return an er…

  • Hi, I tried to debug my problem and when calling WM_DeleteWindow() during the initialization function of a dialog, I get the following error : GUI_Alloc.c:Dereferencing free block in GUI_ALLOC_h2p() So how can I solve this problem ? Deleting Window during dialog initialization, is it possible ? is there a message that indicates the end of the initialization ? With the following code, you can reproduce the error by pressing ENTER. C Source Code (212 lines)

  • Hi, My question is as stated in the title is there a difference between calling WM_DeleteWindow or sending the message WM_DELETE via WM_SendMessageNoPara ? Because when i call GUI_EndDialog(hWin, 0) (which according to reference guide : "In case a non-blocking dialog is closed, this function works the same way the function WM_DeleteWindow() works") in the initialization function just after receiving WM_INIT_DIALOG, sometimes the window don't get deleted and i don't receive WM_DELETE message. But…

  • Hi, When using GUI_DrawPie(), i noticed that the function does not use anti-aliasing. So, i was wondering if there is an anti-aliased function for drawing a pie like it's the case for drawing circles, lines ... ? If not, is it possible to implement one with basic drawing emWin function which support anti-aliasing ? (if someone got an idea how to do that, could you please share it). N.B : I am using STemWin v5.40 library in the binary format, so I don't have access to GUI_DrawPie() source code.

  • Listbox Memory Leak

    gammar - - emWin related


    Hi, I noticed something about listbox. When you delete a listbox or an item of it, not all the memory it was using is released. For example, -if i create a listbox without any item, my window use 460 bytes -if i create a listbox with 1000 items, my window use 41248 bytes -now if i delete the 1000 items that i just created, my window use 8264 bytes I don't know if it's a normal behavior or there is a problem ? but i think after deleting all the items, my window should go back to only using 460 by…