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  • Please could anyone tell me: o Is it possible with SEGGER emStudio or JLINK Ozone (I have both installed under MacOSX) to debug a USB + JLINK attached NRF52 target without resetting it or installing a new image? It does not seem to be (I cannot see how, anyway) , but perhaps there is a way? ie. what I'd like the debugger to do: o attach to my NRF52 (cortex-m4) target with JLINK over USB o verify that the loaded image on the device is the same as the latest built image, if so, do NOT download a n…

  • Aha, fantastic! Thanks Nino . Now if I set the Windows -> Project Explorer -> external editor to '/usr/bin/emacsclient', shift+<double-click> DOES open in my running emacs. Note for future versions: It would be nice to be able to pass emacsclient / the external editor some command line arguments - you seem to support only a program name , not a program name + command line arguments ?

  • Please , I have set : Options -> Windows -> Project Explorer -> 'external editor' in the SEGGER Embedded Studio, to the name of my favorite editor ( emacs / emacsclient on Linux ), but how to get the Project Editor / Source browser to use it ? I can find no 'open with external editor' option anywhere - is there one ? Is it possible to open files in Emacs quickly from the IDE somehow ? If someone could please point me in the right direction, on this, I'd much appreciate it - all the manual / refe…