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  • Hello Fabian. Thank you for your response. I have a question one more thing. I test the stm32f103vet6 MCU with J-Link EDU. The J-Link EDU's target interface speed is 15MHz, and stm32f103vet6's JTAG Max speed is 10Mhz. But when I debugged the MCU at 15Mhz, it worked fine. Why is it working properly even though I debugged faster than the maximum speed? And if I debug faster than the original maximum speed, does something like an error message appear? Thank you

  • Hi, Thank you for response. I debugged the JTAG frequency (specifying target interface speed) of the STm32L476VET6 MCU to 100000 kHz, but the JTAG frequency was set to 15000 kHz. I wonder why the JTAG frequency is automatically measured lower than the set value. I tested it on various MCUs and they were all fixed at 15,000khz. This seems to be limited because the maximum target interface speed of JLINK EDU is 15mhz, what is the difference between JLINK equipment?

  • Hello SEGGER I got a question while debugging with J-link. I set the frequency to 100,000KHz for debugging stm32L476VET6, but the frequency value was actually set to 15,000KHz. Is this a frequency limit for debuggers themselves(I think GDB server's limit)? If that's right, I wonder what criteria the limit is set. Also, is there any way to proceed debugging with max frequency value beyond the limit?