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  • I think writing the file in different formats like RTF or HTML would make the existing file-logging function a bit complex. If implementing a copy / paste (clipboard) with colors there could be two approaches: 1) An easy method would be to provide different modes for the (context) menu "Copy" command. For example the ConEmu Windows Terminal ( supports copying colored text from its command windows. You can check a "Copy as HTML" option in the menu near the Selec…

  • The RTT Viewer supports colored text output, which is a great feature to easily distinguish between certain classes of log information. E.g. the Nordic SDK can use NRF_LOG_ERROR and NRF_LOG_WARNING log functions with individual colors. For rather long log files I want to archive the text from RTT Viewer into a file. But I see no possibility to keep the color information with my text file. Neither the clipboard nor the file written with th…

  • Hi Nino, Mario commented my original post with "Same here" but it is not sure, whether he comments on "Find in files" or "Reverting to 5.10". So it would be great if he could confirm, whether he has a speed problem with "Find in Files" like me. I just installed 5.10d to check the problem with the last 5.10x version. It is "fast", so the problem for me only appears first with 5.20. Best regards Rolf

  • Hi Nino, this is not specific to any personal project of mine. In case this is not a regression problem which affects all users, please try this: 1) Install the Nordic (Bluetooth) SDK 17 (…RF5-SDK/Download#infotabs ) (this is actually just a ZIP, so no real installation) 2) Choose a simple project, I tested for you with ...\ examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_blinky\pca10056\s140\ses The invidual code is just the main.c, but the project uses many files from the SDK Wi…

  • Hi Nino, thanks for your answer. I already checked that when writing my first, the project IS indexed. I enforced it again, the Source Navigator displayed "Indexing", and when done displayed the list of symbols. However this does not change anything, the speed remains extremely slow Also I don't think that "find in files" is index related. Best regards Rolf

  • Starting with Version 5.20 the "find in files" function is extremely slow. For my project a search takes about 20 seconds, and you can watch the progress bar slowly increasing. The time does not change for a second identical search, so no caching problems or similar. I tested two previous versions, including the last 5.10b, they take less than 2 seconds. And I tested back and fore, so it definitely depends on the version. I'm using exactly the same project, so I don't think any individual settin…