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  • embOS RX IAR V3.90a with IAR Embedded Workbench for Renesas RX 2.60.5 We have set up several queues in our system exactly the same way. One of them, depending upon task timing (if we insert an OS_Delay() in one of the tasks), gets corrupted somehow by the OS. It appears to happen when the queue reaches its capacity of messages. We have many producers and one consumer. All the messages from all the producers are exactly the same length (220 bytes). We have created a queue buffer to hold 4 of thes…

  • Hello, I am having issues trying to connect to an iMX6 Solo X processor (MCIMX6X4CVM08AB). The details are as follows: Windows 7 Enterprise, 32 Bit Segger J-Link Pro hardware, version 4.4 J-Link Commander, version 5.12g NXP (Freescale) 6SX Sabre SDB demo board with iMX6 Solo X IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM, version IAR Embedded Workbench common components, version No one in this company has successfully connected to the M4 side of this micro. I have learned through our F…