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  • Hi Alex, Thank you for clarification. Kind regards, Vadim Barshaw

  • Hi, Analog Devices ADAU1860 page mentions "mIDAS-Link emulator", which is SEGGER's OEM version of J-Link. At the same time, ADAU1860 is not listed among supported devices from Analog. Neither it is listed in Release Notes. Though, support for Cadence Xtensa HiFi 3z was added in version 7.70 of DLL. So, there are good chances that ADAU1860 is supported, but I want to be sure. Questions are: - Can I debug and trace ADAU1860 with J-Trace ? - If not, can I trace ADAU1860 with mIDAS-Link ? Kind regar…

  • Good. Does your .elf file contain debug information? My crystal ball tells that you are using gcc. Here is the relevant documentation page:

  • Which version of Ozone are you using? Do you generate debug information? Here is what Ozone 3.28d shows me:

  • Hello, Ozone version: 3.28d I see that this error happens in different projects, so there is no special MRE. Steps 1. Build a C project, generate .elf file 2. Start Ozone, open Console 3. Load the project, among others there is a list of program segments dumped to the Console: C Source Code (11 lines)4. Now execute Elf.PrintSectionInfo(0), note the messed formatting: C Source Code (18 lines) Kind regards, Vadim B

  • Hello, I get an unexpected message Project command specified twice: Target.LoadMemoryMap. The relevant part of the command file: C Source Code (19 lines) Console output: Source Code (14 lines) Am I doing anything wrong? Kind regards, Vadim B

  • Hi Alex, Thank you, I can install the new version now. Vadim

  • Hello, Download page ( always have a link to 64- or 32-bit .tgz archive of the latest Ozone. But not for version 3.28a. Will you fix it? Kind regards, Vadim Barshaw

  • Hi Fabian, Here are the details. 1. I download the tgz archive, JLink_Linux_V756d_x86_64.tgz 2. Install it in the directory /opt/SEGGER: Source Code (2 lines)J-Link is now in /opt/SEGGER/JLink_Linux_V756d_x86_64 directory 3. Then, in /opt/SEGGER make a symbolic link to the newly untared directory: Source Code (1 line)After these steps it looks as follows: Source Code (10 lines) 4. The file JFlashExe is also a symbolic link: Source Code (5 lines) 5. The last step, in my project directory I start …

  • Hello, I get the following error when I start J-Flash in any directory under /home : ERROR: Could not open flash device list file [ETC/JFlash/Flash.csv] The contents of JFlash.log is following: Source Code (6 lines) The host system is Ubuntu. Installation is as follows: Source Code (13 lines) If I cd /opt/SEGGER/JLink (or cd /opt/SEGGER/JLink_Linux_V754d_x86_64 for that matter) and start JFlash from there, everything is fine, the log message is Source Code (7 lines) It would be nice if this issu…

  • Hello Nino, I've tried the version 3.10i -- the original problem with the variable 'value' has been fixed for me. Kind regards, Vadim

  • Hello Nino, I can reproduce it with NordicSemi SDK v16 on nRF52 DK board. It has on-board Segger J-Link. The project I used is nRF5_SDK_16.0.0/examples/ble_peripheral/ble_app_blinky Makefile: nRF5_SDK_16.0.0/examples/ble_peripheral/ble_app_blinky/pca10040/s132/armgcc/Makefile I've changed the optimisation flags there to OPT = -O0 -g3 and ran make from the directory where the Makefile is. I have also noticed that value is not the only affected variable. If a variable is named pc, or lr, or r0, it…

  • Hello, The only SEGGER-related file is Ozone project file, see attached. I can not attach the project source files for legal reasons. Kind regards, Vadim

  • Hello, The expansion indicators are always shown in Source window after start of Ozone. Steps to reproduce: 1. Start Ozone 2. Tools -> Preferences -> General -> Source Viewer -> Show expansion indicators -> set to "no" Expansion indicators will disappear. 3. Close Preferences. 4. Exit from Ozone. 5. Start Ozone. Expected behaviour: -- Expansion indicators should not be displayed. Actual behaviour: -- Expansion indicators are displayed. Host: xubuntu 18 Ozone: V3.10g Kind regards, Vadim

  • Hello, The display format of a variable named 'value' can not be changed, at least in Local Data window. Steps to reproduce: 1. Add the following function to your project, add a call to the function. Source Code (7 lines) 2. Compile, run on an ARM target. 3. Step into the function. 4. In Local Data window: -- select variable 'value', press 2, 3, 4 -- right click -> Display As -> Hex, Decimal, Binary Expected behaviour: display format of the variable 'value' should change accordingly. Actual beha…

  • Hello Nino, I think I know what is going on. Quote from SEGGER - Nino: “The reported behavour usually happens when Ozone can't find the source files at the paths that are referenced in the elf file. ” Attached is the screenshot of two windows: Disassembly and Call Stack. The breakpoint is at main() because of VAR_BREAK_AT_THIS_SYMBOL. It was called from _mainCRTStartup which is located in GCC's ~/bin/gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2019-q4-major/arm-none-eabi/lib/thumb/v7e-m+fp/hard/crt0.o file. Which, in t…

  • Hi Nino, I am using nRF52-DK board PCA10040 and nRF SDK 16.0.0 . The SDK is installed into the directory ~/work/nRF5_SDK_16.0.0 Any example in the SDK will work, let's use examples/ble_peripheral/ble_app_template . This directory contains main.c and here the ozone.debug* files are located: Source Code (11 lines) Ozone project file has the only function: C Source Code (11 lines) To build the project and start Ozone: Source Code (4 lines) Now, when I connect to the target (F5) and on every reset (…

  • Hi Nino, Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately, it does not help. First, I have added Project.AddPathSubstitute to my existing project file. Disassembly window still pops up on reset. Then, I have created the new project using the wizard. Nope, the same. I am using arm-none-eabi-gcc. The elf file is not stripped, so all the path information is there -- Ozone properly opens the file with main() function. Anything else I could try? And while I am fiddling with the .jdebug file, I have spotted an…

  • Hi, Before I submit the official bug report, I would like to ask here. Every time I reset the target (with F4 key or Debug->Reset menu) the Disassembly window opens up. But I don't need it! I've got all my necessary windows, Source, Data, Call Stack, etc, all open and properly placed. And yet Disassembly appears, which I need to close. Or, if it was already opened, it pops to the front. This is extremely annoying. I tried to add Window.Close("Disassembly"); to different hooks in my Ozone.jdebug …