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  • Thanks for the reply, Alex. "The reason you do not see the message with V7.20 may be because the dialog did not exist in that version yet." - I'm not sure I understand the comment - the attached shows that same message on V6.62d. I agree that it depends upon the data programmed into the option bytes of the MKL02Z, but regardless of how those are programmed I would expect both computers to report the same way since the target hardware is the same: only the computers are switched. Thanks again, Ri…

  • When programming a MKL02Z target from my newer computer using J-Link I get a "Write protection detected" warning and cannot seem to program the processor. Using the same hardware my old computer does not get that message and is able to successfully program the part. relevant information is: 1) Used J-Link Commander V6.62d on my new computer, then upgraded to V7.88h with no change: both display the write protection message when using the "connect" command. 2) When using that command, changed the …