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  • Hi, I am working on an automated programming solution, in which I am using two Flasher PRO programmers to flash different MCUs at the same time, STM and Atmega to be exact. Both programmers are connected via Ethernet host interface and have static IP addresses. I am flashing STM MCU using J-Flash CLI and there are no issues selecting the needed programmer using the -ip command. However, flashing Atmega is not that simple. I need to download the configuration using UniversalFlasher.exe (for which…

  • Hello, I am using J-Flash V6.88 and J-Flash SPI V6.88 with 4 JLink Pluses to program multiple targets simultaneously. From time to time I get a pop-up message with error: Could not open file [C:\Users\...\Appdata\Roaming\SEGGER\JFlashSettings.ini]! or Could not open file [C:\Users\...\Appdata\Roaming\SEGGER\JFlashSPI.ini]! After closing this error message, the programming continues normally. The J-Flash is being called from NI Teststand using "Call executable" test step. Argument looks like this…

  • Hi Fabian, Thank you for the feedback. I added the /wait parameter in batch file, but still issue persists. Now there is "Wait until completion?" parameter in LabView set to True when calling batch file and also batch file waits itself. I think, that if LabView wouldn't be waiting for execution to end, I would get programming failures even when the logfile contained the sentence "Target erased, programmed and verified successfully". Addition to my issue: - The programming is being done in series…

  • Hi all, I am debugging production programming station, which includes 4 J-Link plus programmers. Each one of them programs different chip on a PCBA. There are 4 identical stations and I have the same issue on all of them. Every 20 or 30 tries of programming the same PCBA, I get an error "Programming canceled by user" when programming STM32F469NG MCU over JTAG. The error occurs right after restoring, where "Secure chip" should take place (please find attached log file and JFlash project file). BA…