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  • EFR32 Unlock

    Josema - - J-Link/Flasher related


    Hi Niklas, we have checked the "Unsecure chip" button with latest 6.10m version. This still doesn´t work 100% of times. The EFR32 family reset pin can be configured as software o hardware reset. The only sequence that works ok 100% of times with both reset pin configurations is the one attached. We reached to this solution working along with Silabs Tech Support. Could you have a look at the differences between this sequence and what happens when "unsecure chip" button is done?? Best Regards, Jos…


    Josema - - embOS related


    Hello, we are currently using embOS 4.16 version and we noticed that when moving from version 3.X/4.06 we are not able to see any OS_TIMER information in IAR anymore. We are using IAR 7.x for ARM with Segger EmbOS plugin. Even if the RTOS compilation is DP, we then see nothing in the OS_TIMERS debug window. There used to be a information of running timers and the ticks remaining to expire. We don´t know if this is a matter of the embOS version, IAR + embOS plugin version or any other co…

  • Hello again, i have seen that EFR32 family is now supported both in 5.10r (official release) and 5.11c (beta release), but i don´t see that JFlash app supports the secure and unsecure options (unless i haven´t set something in my tool). Would next 5.11 version support the secure and unsecure capabilities too? Best regards, Josema.

  • Hello, we are planning to use the new EFR32 family, we would like to use JLINK as our production probe. And we have seen that beta 5.11 already supports this family. Is any estimated date for this beta to become official release?? Best regards, Josema.

  • Hello Johannes, I was just using SystemViewer stand-alone to run the code, so I have increased both SEGGER_SYSVIEW_RTT_BUFFER_SIZE and JLINK speed to CPU_SPEED/2. This has made overflows disappear. Also tried SEGGER_SYSVIEW_RecordEnterISR() and SEGGER_SYSVIEW_RecordExitISR(), that was exactly what i needed. Many thanks, Josema.

  • Hello, i have just started testing the SystemViewer on EmbOS 4.14 on a STM32 (ARM Cortex M3) device. I have two main questions: - Which is the best debug compilation to use when SystemViewer is enabled?? _dp?? __dt?? i can still see some overflows (CPU clock 50MHz, JTAG 12,5MHz). I assume that using a lighter compilation could help with this. BTW, I usually use _dp. - How can "fast interrupts" be considered by the SystemViewer?? I have tried to include them by: SEGGER_SYSVIEW_SendSysDesc("I#xx=F…

  • EmBos 4.04a2. Task switch fixed.

    Josema - - embOS related


    We learnt that the latest version of EmbOS solves an issue with context switching that is described as follows: A problem with the task switch could cause that a task was not activated at once when it was triggered by an interrupt. The problem existed on all previous versions of embOS Cortex M IAR and is fixed with version 4.04a2. Is there any chance to have further explanation on which type of interrupts (nestable, not nestable), microcontrollers... are afected by this bug? As we have not notic…