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  • My elf file is about 200Mb and it will not load. Ozone consumes most of my system memory (i have 32 GB), as much as 21GB! This issue was marked as resolved in version 2.56a, but in 2.56e it is certainly an issue for me. I have a core i7 running Windows 7 Enterprise with an 512GB SSD and 32GB of memory. I can't imagine anything taking so long to load a file or consuming so much memory. When trying to load same file under Ozone 2.52b, after 15-30 minutes, Ozone crashed.

  • Is there some way we can get to the bottom of this? Our memory map is somewhat complex. We have serial flash mapped in, but i don't see this as a potential problem since all the errors i have seen begin with the address 0x801xxxxx (various addresses in internal flash). I have tried this with 2 separate JLink Plus's. I have no problems when i am using the base Jlink with only hardware breakpoints. I think i can send you our .icf files, .ewp file and file, but i don't think i can send you …

  • My question, "Is there some way to specify where breakpoints get set? " was poorly stated. What i really meant is there some way to tell J-Link where in flash to set breakpoints? I would like to understand the mechanism of how flash breakpoints work in general. I'm attaching a snapshot of the control panel when a failure occurs. I'm attaching a snapshot of my actual breakpoints in IAR. --Mark

  • Hi Eric, Thanks for the reply... My project is fairly large and i would have to spend quite a bit of time to make it generic. But what i notice is that when the "Programming Failed" message appears with a specific address, when i look at the contents of the code at that address in the map listing, i wonder about it. The code i have at that address (where it's failing to set a breakpoint) is in the heap management code. That code exists in an IAR library (dlMalloc). Is there some way to specify w…

  • I am using a J-Link Plus with IAR v6.50.6 and an STM32F103xE processor. I have been using the standard J-Link with only hardware breakpoints with success for years. Since using the Plus i am having many difficulties. When i set a breakpoint, hit it and start single-stepping, after about 4 steps, i get "Programming failed" messages and i can no longer debug and have to reset the target. I notice that when i set breakpoints they default to type 'hardware'. Then when i start single stepping, they a…