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  • I need a 3D graphic tool that plugs in or is built into the Segger IDE that allows me to debug trigonometric and geometry functions in 3D graphic space. Needed Features: I want to observe xyz cartesian coordinates converted to polar coordinates and back again, displayed within a 3D sphere. I want to graphically observe an accelerometer's xyz motion vector displayed inside a sphere in real-time, while the firmware hardware is running. I want to graphically observe a magnetometer's North pole vect…

  • I need a 3D graphic tool that plugs in or is built into the Segger IDE that allows me to debug trigonometric and geometry functions in 3D graphic space. Needed Features: I want to observe xyz cartesian coordinates converted to polar coordinates and back again, displayed within a 3D sphere. I want to graphically observe an accelerometer's xyz motion vector displayed inside a sphere in real-time, while the firmware hardware is running. I want to graphically observe a magnetometer's North pole vect…

  • Hi Leon, WOW! I went from RTT Viewer v6.40 to the newest version v6.44i and what a difference. BIG IMPROVEMENT: I can now see ALL my rows of debug data WITH a horizontal scroll bar. But the amazing change is the speed. The new RTT Viewer displays my debug trace many times faster! An entire page of debug data now appears in milliseconds (rather than seconds). This version makes development a whole lot easier. To Leon and the entire Segger team... Thumbs up to the RTT Viewer and all the Segger too…

  • I am using the Segger RTT Viewer to show a debug trace of 20 values in 30 rows - or about 600 values in total. But each row of text wraps on right screen edge and continues on next row. This makes data difficult to read and correlate. Is there some way to turn off "Word Wrap" option in RTT Viewer? A horizontal scroll bar would solve this. This would allow each row of data to appear in a single row on screen. Much easier to read and correlate data across rows. OR Is there a way to reduce the font…