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  • With regards to my previous thread on the Segger Forum: [SOLVED] Locking and Unlocking JTAG port on TI RM48 AJSM using J-link Base We need to write a Jlinkscript file that would perform unlocking of the TI JTAG port via the AJSM tap. The procedure to do this is not well documented, but i guess with some experiments could be achieved. I assume i will need to perform my unlocking of the CPU in the InitTarget() function, as the Locking will only leave the ICEPick and AJSM Taps open for use. There a…

  • Hi, We are using the RM48L530 and RM44L520 devices in our project in IAR embedded workbench 8.11 using the Segger j-link base. We have a security requirement to secure the JTAG port and we wish to do so using the AJSM (Advanced Jtag Security Module) built into the TI processor. From what i see with all of the TI documentation is that when using their tools and Emulator, there are easy ways of doing the device locking and unlocking via the TI-CCS (Code Composer Studio) IDE. However, our developme…