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  • Quote from SEGGER - Fabian: “Hi Hugo, Thank you for your inquiry. From what we can see, the J-Link seems to be defective. Could you please provide us with the serial number of this J-Link? I am asking because the the S/N you have added to your forum profile is from a unit which is out of support and warranty. For such a unit we recommend to make use of our trade-in program: Best regards, Fabian ” Hello Fabian, You are absolutely correct, I'd been given the w…

  • Hello, We have a problem with a J-Link Plus that we bought last year. Part number is 8.08.28, version is 10.1. Our problem is that the J-Link firmware fails to boot, so it falls back to a bootloader firmware that won't even accept USB connections, making it functionally useless. The only reaction we can get out of it is the first time we try to establish a connection with J-Link Commander, it'll detect that we need to update the firmware then the updat…