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  • I have problems to run and debug an example on one of my targets Programmer: J-Link plus - connected via SWD-Interface (Segger 6-pin adapter) Environment: using SES V5.44 1. Target: Nordic nRF52832 on a UTOVERTEK UTO-NBL-52A Eval-Board 2. Target: Nordic nRF52832 on a custom PCB Source/Example: ble_app_uart_pca10040_s1321 from Nordic SDK 17.0.2 The source code compiles without any problems and I'm able to download and debug the code on target #1 (UTO) right away from SES. When trying the same wit…

  • partly fixed it : I was not aware that the precompiled hex files include the full package : MBR/DFU + Softdevice + Application Using "nrfgo studio" to program first the softdevice and then the blinky app succeeds. matthias

  • - SES 5.44 - Nordic nRF5_SDK 17.0.2 - Target is a nRF52832_xxAA (HW is compatible with PCA10040) - Segger J-Link edu programmer with 6-pin adapter SWDIO/SWDCLK - I'm currently using older nRF Go Studio for programming (because SES won't find the J-Link) I'm referring to the example code included with nRF5_SDK_17.0.2 : examples / ble_peripheral / ble_app_blinky I can successfully flash the pre-compiled HEX file from the "hex"-folder (ble_app_blinky_pca10040_s132.hex, size 485 kB) - this one runs …