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  • Hi. I think there is a bug in in emWin V5.32 related to the CALENDAR_Create function. With this function it is not possible to initialize the calendar with day 31 of a month. E.g. if you set the current date to 31. Jan 2022 the dialog will not mark the current day. If you get the seletecd date after that the day will be 0. My workaround is to use CALENDAR_SetDate after CALENDAR_Create if the initial day is day 31 of a month. CALENDAR_SetDate works like expected and day 31 is marked as the curren…

  • button bitmap change issue

    rhum - - emWin related


    You should handle the events inside your dialogs callback function. E.g. on WM_INIT_DLG set the button to show the start bitmap. When button is pressed (WM_NOTIFY_PARENT / WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED) change the button to show the stop image.

  • button bitmap change issue

    rhum - - emWin related


    If you still set the bitmap in the WM_PAINT event, then setting an other bitmap outside of that event will have no effect. You have to set your initial bitmap in WM_INIT_DIALOG.

  • STM32F4 and emWin Memory Devices

    rhum - - emWin related


    Flash memory which is ROM cannot be used. IMHO the STM32F429I-Discovery has 8MB of external SDRAM. All you have to do is to initialize the FMC to gain access to the SDRAM. Then add the SDRAM as additonal region to your linker script and place the GUI memory block inside the region. Maybe it would be best to start looking on examples about the FMC (STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.1X.0\Projects\STM32F429I-Discovery\Examples\FMC\FMC_SDRAM). You could also take STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.18.0\Projects\STM32F429I-Discove…

  • STM32F4 and emWin Memory Devices

    rhum - - emWin related


    For a 240x320 memory device you need at least 240x320x4 Bytes (in ARGB mode). Therefore you have to put the memory pool used by emwin into your external sdram if internal sram is too small. See GUIConf.c and you should find something like: C Source Code (50 lines) where GUI_RAM comes from you linker file and defines the start address for the GUI memory in external SDRAM.

  • The problem is not the color conversion but the different behaviour of GUICC_M888_SetCustColorConv in ARGB mode. The function does not store the function pointer. Instead it silently uses its own color conversion routine although the user wants to use a custom routine that is using DMA2D. As a result the custom color conversion routine will never be called which leads to a loss of transparency information in 32 bit memory devices. I expect that regardless of the mode (ARGB or ABGR) GUICC_M888_Se…

  • Dear Segger Team. By now we have used emwin 5.32 in ABGR mode (with color conversion GUICC_M888) where we used to display RLE alpha channel only encoded bitmaps as button images. This has worked so far but now we tried to update to 5.40 and we found that memory devices are losing the transparancy information when they call the color conversion api. In 5.32 (ABGR) it was possible to use GUICC_M888_SetCustColorConv to assign custom conversion routines for bulk color <-> index conversion. However t…

  • Bug in GUI_PNG.c

    rhum - - emWin related


    Dear Segger Team. I've update from emwin 5.32 to 5.40 and found that PNG images that do not have an alpha channel are not shown anymore. I use emwin in ARGB mode and had to change GUI_PNG.c at line 400 like: C Source Code (4 lines) to make the image visible again.