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  • Hi Nino, we still have issue trying to run ozone with our elf file. After spending some time, it seems the issue is related to the elf file itself. and the this map our map file for the linker. Source Code (24 lines)When we run ozone with File.Open(foo.elf) The firmware is flashed at address 0x8000000 while it should be at 0x0x08020000. probably is because Elf.GetBaseAddr(); // returns 0x8000000 If we flash the firmware manually using File.Load(foo.elf, 0x0x08020000) and we run the profiler, the…

  • Hi Nino, thanks a lot for your reply. Until.Sleep in the OnProjectLoad() is what was needed. The function callback on a breakpoint would be a bit more cumbersome. We would need to modify our test sequence so the firmware would hit the breakpoint only at the end of the test sequence. Now we have one last small issue. When we call File.Exit() we get a warning that prevents ozone to close meaning the command from the command line never return. Is there a way to suppress the warning? "Clicking the b…

  • We are using Ozone for code coverage at runtime. We would like to integrate the code coverage report in our continuous integration platform so it can run every time we build a new release. Is there a way to signal Ozone to execute commands after the Debuging session has started? We would like to run it for a certain time and then stop the debug session and save the code coverage report. For what I can see the only way to execute something in an automated way is to set a breakpoint with the scrip…