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  • I stumbled on a problem with NXP LPC845 (ARM Cortex-M0+): The RTT output was very, very slow like it was stuck in the pipe (not flushed). I have found a report of the same problem here: LPC82x, FreeRTOS, RTT Not Flushing Finally, I have found the problem (and the solution): the problem is related to low power mode on the LPC. In FreeRTOS it enters low power mode with the WFI instruction, causing the RTT communication to stuck. Interestingly, the same WFI works fine on ARM Cortex-M4, so not sure …

  • I'm facing the same problem as in JLink GDBServer async mode that the J-Link GDB Server currently does not support asynchronous mode. I understand that you get a lot of feature requests, but actually this one would be a really, really great and cool one. I'm mainly using Freescale Kinetis devices, but all devices you support would benefit from that, as that way it should be possible to read/write memory while the target is running. So if this is not already planned, would it be possible to incre…