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  • So if I am correctly interpreting what you wrote, in order to get JLinkExe to continue to act as it did prior to v4.82, I will need to *rename* the file to have a .bin extension? After all, the purpose of the 'loadbin' command is to transfer a raw binary file into the target at an arbitrary memory location. I am using it for that precise purpose. (and FYI, my 'img' file is the flattened binary executable combined with other data the application needs -- hence the use of 'img' rather than 'bin')

  • v4.80h works: Source Code (22 lines) But v4.82, 4.83.1, and v4.84 do not: Source Code (21 lines) I'm using the 64-bit RPM release on Fedora 20. Up until v4.82, Everything's worked like a champ. I've gone back to using v4.80h for the time being, but this is a pretty serious regression!