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  • Thanks for the response, Fabian. We will work on thread-safe usage of RTT. For now, it is working again. We discovered we were not using the RTOS compatible I2C driver provided by our vendor. That is what was causing the problems. As we add RTT_printfs() to other tasks we will make sure the code is thread-safe. Thanks again.

  • Hi folks, We are using JLink Plus with the SAMD21E16. Wondering if special configuration for RTT is necessary as it's causing some kind of deadlock or crash when used inside a Task. Consider this snippet of code Source Code (16 lines) The battery voltage message is received in the RTT viewer the first time, but after that the application goes into deadlock or some type of error condition. Heartbeat LED no longer toggles. I tried debugging with Ozone but it's causing a hard fault on connection.