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  • Hello, Thanks for your feedback. It's good to hear it's working for you. Yes, I would like to add such an API routine that returns the current context. Unfortunately, that would work for Cortex-M but not for all other CPUs. Anyway, I will add it to our wish list. Best regards, Til

  • Hello, This is not an embOS bug, but it works as intended. OS_INT_InInterrupt() returns 1 only when called from an embOS interrupt routine. From any other context, like embOS software timer, it returns 0. With Cortex-M embOS software timers are executed within the PendSV() (not SysTick) interrupt, but that is just an implementation detail for embOS Cortex-M. From the embOS perspective, it is the software timer context, and you must not use any mutex API within an embOS software timer. You could …

  • Hello Silvio, please have a look here: Best regards, Til

  • Hello Sebastian, your embOS license should be still in support. Please get in contact with us and I am pretty sure we can solve that issue quickly. Best regards, Til

  • Hello, I am not that familiar with TouchGFX but are there any specific requirements from TouchGFX regarding an RTOS? I think such an instruction would be part of TouchGFX. Usually there could be some kind of porting layer that, e.g. enables TouchGFX to be used from different threads. I have found the following: TouchGFX Real Time Operating System TouchGFX Operating-system It seems there is a file touchgfx/os/OSWrappers.cpp, which needs to be modified. Please contact us directly, and I am pretty …

  • Dear Damien, do you already have an embOS license? Why do you use embOS V4? The latest embOS version is 5.18.0. Would it be possible to share your code? You don't need to publish it here, but you can also contact us directly: A basic embOS mailbox sample application OS_Mailboxes.c can be found in every BSP in the embOS shipment: Source Code (36 lines)However, if necessary, I can also create a sample application like the CMSIS sample application. Best reg…

  • Hello, I don't think OS_SDI() and OS_RI() were API names in embOS RL78 IAR. Or was it another embOS port? Sounds like OS_INT_Disable() and OS_INT_EnableConditional(): embOS API names changed from V4 to V5: Which embOS port and version did you use before? Please feel free to contact us directly:…

  • Issue 1. and 2. occurred under special circumstances only and are fixed in the latest IAR plugin 9.x.6.2, which is available for download.

  • Hello Mikkel, with the most recent embOS version you can use OS_TIMER_GetCurrent() and OS_INT_InInterrupt(). With older embOS versions the return value of OS_TIMER_GetCurrent() was valid during the execution of a timer callback function only. Would it be possible for you to update to the latest embOS Cortex-M GCC V5.18.0.1? That would be the easiest solution. Best regards, Til

  • Hello, yes, these are called in embOS "task events". Please also have a look here Migration from FreeRTOS to embOS. Best regards, Til

  • Thanks for the feedback. Good to know it's working now. Please let me know if I can be of any further help. Best regards, Til

  • Hello Liorsze, I just tested the nRF52840 DK BSB in Start\BoardSupport\NordicSemi\nRF52840_nRF52840_DK\ and I can build it successfully with Embedded Studio V5.42b. 1. Which Embedded Studio version do you use? 2. Did you make any changes to the project? Best regards, Til

  • Hello Michael, I am sorry, there was an issue with the manual, please download the latest revision from here Best regards, Til

  • Hello Michael, unfortunately IAR changed the thread safety support in different IAR EWARM version. What needs to be done for different IAR version in described in chapter "4.2 Thread-safe system libraries" and "4.2.2 IAR compiler V8.10 and newer". From the linker error message I guess you did not add the xmtx.c, xmtx2.c and xmtx3.c. Please find these files in the \Setup folder of your board support package. Does that solve your issue? In case of doubt please don't hesitate to contact our embOS s…

  • Hello Broddo, thanks for the additional information. Just to keep you up to date, we are still working on it. It's a little bit more complicated to install/use the latest NIOS II tools. Best regards, Til

  • Hello Broddo, thanks for the detailed description. Maybe an issue with your linker file and stack symbols. We will have a look into this today and get back to you asap. Best regards, Til

  • Hello Vadym, Quote from vadymsodolevsky: “As I understand the porting should not depend on IDE. Am I right? ” Yes, correct, the embOS Cortex-M GCC libraries are core/compiler but not IDE specific. Quote from vadymsodolevsky: “Can I use the library and include for the STM32CubeIDE Cortex M4 V7 project? ” Basically yes, but I recommend to use the embOS library from embOS Cortex-M GCC since it's based on a more recent embOS version. In any case please don't mix embOS libraries and RTOS.h from diffe…

  • Hello Vadym, Sounds like you did not add the embOS library to your project. Yes, we have support for STMCubeMX. Please have a look here: No, we don't have a STM32WB55 BSP with embOS Cortex-M GCC so far (which is the correct embOS port for STM32CubeIDE):…tex-m/embos-cortex-m-gcc/ But that can easily be created for your evaluation. Please feel free to contact us directly via our ticket system or support email address: segg…

  • Please be aware this is not a technical question only but also a license/sales decision. I can't share any details about that now (since it's simply not yet decided) but I am pretty sure we'll find a solution which will work for you. Best regards, Til

  • Hello Jim, yes, you can use embOS spinlocks to synchronize data messaging between two or more cores. If you have an embOS instances running on each core you usually have a shared memory in which you can pass data from one core to the other. This shared memory must be secured with a spinlock. That's a generic way which works with every core. But most devices have device specific mechanism to communicate between the cores like triggering an interrupt on the other core. It depends on you applicatio…